Robert Wayper

Robert Wayper

Sales & Marketing Manager Lode Holding

As a Sales & Marketing Manager, Robert has several years of experience in sports sponsoring. He combined his passion for Sports, Health and Development with a job at the Lode Holding in Groningen. He is responsible for partnerships with universities, hospitals and Elite Sport Centers. With a rich experience, history and a wide range of products and services in Life Sciences, Lode Holding is more than 65 years a leading partner. Lode Holding aims to contribute to medical technology, healthcare and a healthy environment and thereby be a reliable partner for any professional in this field of expertise. Together with a wide range of experts Robert is always looking for ways to improve business, processes and partnerships.


Eline Nijmeijer

PhD candidate, Department of Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of GroningenREAD MORE

Wouter Frencken

Head of performance at FC Groningen & Board member of Football Science Groningen.READ MORE