Scientific Committee
Anne Benjaminse, the Netherlands
Michel Brink, the Netherlands
Alan McCall, United Kingdom
Aaron Coutts, Australia
Johan de Jong, the Netherlands
Barry Drust, United Kingdom
Marije Elferink-Gemser, the Netherlands
Terry Favero, USA
Sabrina Forster, Germany
Vincent Gouttebarge, the Netherlands
Ruud den Hartigh, the Netherlands
Werner Helsen, Belgium
Franco Impellizzeri, Australia
Joost Kok, the Netherlands
Ruud Koning, the Netherlands
Peter Krustrup, Denmark
Claudine Lamoth, the Netherlands
Koen Lemmink, the Netherlands
Matthieu Lenoir, Belgium
Tim Meyer, Germany
Sigrid Olthof, United Kingdom
Jaime Sampaio, Portugal
Hugo Sarmento, Portugal
Geert Savelsbergh, the Netherlands
Fabio Serpiello, Australia
Frank van Eekeren, the Netherlands
Hans Zwerver, the Netherlands